Produção Científica
Management by competency: a strategic tool for defining a professional profile
The quality of public safety services depends on the advancement of personnel management. Competence mapping can help in this regard. Here is reported an experience of using a standardized and participative procedure to map the competence profile of police officers in the careers of: Federal Criminal Police, Federal Specialist in Assistance to Criminal Execution, Federal Technician in Support of Criminal Execution, and State Criminal Police all linked to the National Secretariat of Penal Policies (Senappen).
Relational governance in the ITO: the role of self-determination theory and the mediating effect of control perceived
Researchers in the field recognize the importance of the relationship between contractor and contractee in the process of information technology (IT) outsourcing. However, little is known about the impact of the manager’s profile in this process. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the impact of the perception of competence, autonomy and relationship of public managers on relational governance (RG), as well as, to identify the effect of perceived control in this relationship.
Predictors of Digital Competence of Public University Employees and the Impact on Innovative Work Behavior
Digital competence plays an important role in higher education. The literature highlights the adoption and use of digital competence for the development of educational services in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), but it is still necessary to understand its influence on the innovative behavior of the public official. This study aims to investigate the influence of digital competence, based on the predictors’ infrastructure, integration, and digital management, on innovative work behaviors
Competences Mapped and Training Offered at a Brazilian Federal University
Competency mapping is a diagnostic tool in training, development and education. Its results should guide the planning of training actions. The present study sought to describe and analyze the coherence between the competences mapped by a public university and its training planning. To this end, the training plans and competency mapping reports of the three mapping cycles carried out between 2011 and 2018 were analyzed, based on three parameters: number of training actions offered, number of trained employees, and workload of actions.
Exploring variables that affect the adherence and the quality of describing competence through instructional guides and mapping workshops
Competences are the central axis of the competence management model, so it is essential that they are well described. A good way to do this is by asking employees to describe their competences. To help workers in describing competences, an instructional guide has been developed and tested. The objective of this study was to: 1) identify and manipulate impacting factors in the accomplishment of the task of describing competencies using an instructional guide 2) evaluate the quality of the described competences.
O artigo descreve ensaios de uma Universidade Pública, utilizando o modelo de Gestão por Competências e a metodologia de Design Instrucional para a construção e implementação de trilhas de aprendizagem, resultando em fatores de gerenciamento do tempo, disponibilidade de acesso a rede mundial de computadores como resposta a evasão dos eventos ofertados a distância cujo os repertórios, coletados pelas avaliações antes e pós o contato com as trilhas, mostraram em média um acréscimo de repertório de 75%.
Mapping of competences of the school psychologist
This article aimed to perform the mapping of skills of the school psychologist. For that, a survey and analysis of bibliographical production and official documents were carried out to discuss its performance. During the analysis, competencies assessed as necessary for the performance of this professional were suggested and described and after this, the frequency with which the competencies appeared in the several analyzed publications was counted and organized. From the identification of several performance models, categories were created in which the corresponding competencies were established.
Mapping inconsistencies between competencies established in the academic training of organizational psychologist and those required by the labor market
There is a consensus that organizations are the object of study and intervention of organizational psychologists. However, there is still no clarity as to what “competencies” should be developed by such professionals for the exercise of their profession.
A behavioral approach to description of competences in a federal public institution
The Competence Management Model was introduced in Brazil by mean of Decree 5.707/2006 to guide the development of personnel in the Federal Public Administration. Although many organizations seek to implement this new management model, the concept of competence turned out to be imprecise and controversial. Besides that, little attention has been given to the formulation of competences, which is the basis of the whole management model.
the purpose of the present study was to develop a methodology to evaluate the public workers competences in a federal educational institution. The study was carried out at the Pro-rectory of Development and Management of Personnel with 26 technical-administrative public workers. We used the 360º type performance evaluation, in which the public worker performs self-evaluation and also is evaluated by different organizational actors.